

Director of Accreditation

Beth Brillinger, CCMEP
614.328.4523 direct
240.243.1033 fax
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Beth Brillinger, CCMEP, is Director of Accreditation at CME Outfitters. Beth has 15 years of extensive experience in the independent medical education industry.

Prior to joining CME Outfitters, Beth was VP, Educational Strategy and Development, at DIME; and Senior Manager, Medical Education Grants Office, at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP. In addition to commercial supporter experience, she has extensive accreditation, account, and program management experience from the accredited provider perspective from academic institutions (Abington Memorial Hospital, Office of CME; Jefferson Medical College, Office of CME) and medical education companies (Institute for Continuing Healthcare Education, a division of Vox Medica; The FCG Institute for Continuing Education). She is a Distinguished Member of the Alliance for CME (ACME), a Certified CME Professional (CCMEP), a member of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, and is a frequent presenter at the ACME Annual Conferences, the AMA Task Force Annual Conference, and other medical education conferences. Beth received a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the Pennsylvania State University in University Park.

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